Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands

Indirizzo: Carretera d'Artà, 135, 07400 Port d'Alcúdia, Illes Balears, Spagna.
Telefono: 971892558.
Sito web:
Specialità: Farmacia.
Altri dati di interesse: Acquisti in negozio, Consegna in giornata, Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Carte di credito, Carte di debito.
Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 56 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 4.3/5.

Posizione di Farmacia Torrens

Farmacia Torrens è un'azienda specializzata nel settore farmaceutico, situata in Carretera d'Artà, 135, 07400 Port d'Alcúdia, Illes Balears, Spagna. Se sei alla ricerca di un servizio affidabile e professionale, la Farmacia Torrens è la scelta ideale.

Con un numero di telefono attivo al 971892558 e un sito web ben strutturato, Farmacia Torrens offre la possibilità di contattare il personale in modo rapido e semplice. La loro fornisce informazioni dettagliate sui servizi offerti e sulle specialità farmaceutiche disponibili.

Le Specialità della farmacia includono una vasta gamma di prodotti farmaceutici e servizi dedicati alla salute e al benessere. Inoltre, Farmacia Torrens offre Acquisti in negozio, Consegna in giornata, Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Pagamenti con Carte di credito e Carte di debito, garantendo massima comodità ai propri clienti.

Secondo le Opinioni su Google My Business, Farmacia Torrens ha registrato ben 56 recensioni con una Media delle opinioni di 4.3/5, confermando la soddisfazione dei clienti rispetto ai servizi offerti.

Per chiunque sia alla ricerca di una farmacia affidabile e professionale, Farmacia Torrens rappresenta la scelta giusta. La loro reputazione positiva sul web e la vasta gamma di servizi offerti fanno sì che sia una destinazione ideale per tutte le esigenze farmaceutiche.

Infine, l'azienda ti invita a visitare il loro sito web per ulteriori informazioni e per contattare il personale in modo rapido e efficiente. Non esitare a consultare per scoprire tutti i servizi disponibili e per usufruire dell'assistenza professionale offerta da Farmacia Torrens.

Recensioni di Farmacia Torrens

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
Daniele Pronzini

Personale qualificato, ho trovato subito qua ti cercavo ed anche prodotti alternativo che mo hanno risolto il problema

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
My Name is Nobody

Sehr gut erreichbar. Zentral gelegen. Musste dort hin wegen einer Entzündung am Auge. Das Personal war nett und höflich. Sprachen Englisch und etwas Deutsch. Verständigung war kein Problem. Habe dort ohne Probleme und Rezept Antibiotische Tropfen bekommen. Dazu noch unaufgefordert Desinfektionstücher für das. Betroffene Auge. Die Anwendung wurde mir sehr gut erklärt. Alles in allem habe ich 12,70 Euro für alles bezahlt! Ich kann diese Apotheke nur weiter empfehlen!
5 Stars ?

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
Natalia Cieciura

This pharmacy is a complete misunderstanding. The staff there are incompetent. Currently, off-season, a young girl who never knows anything is serving there. Once, when I came with a prescription from the doctor for the necessary medicines, she told me that they do not sell them in Spain. It's strange because the pharmacy next door had them. The saleswomen have a problem advising what to give me when I asked for vitamin D for an infant – they didn't know what to sell me and wanted a prescription for it. When I asked for baby oil, they handed me a bottle. I don't speak Spanish, so I asked if it was definitely for newborns – they confirmed. At home, it turned out that the oil is for children over 3 years old, after which my child developed a rash. Another time, I asked for a protective cream for winter – the saleswoman handed me a cream, saying it definitely protects against the cold. At home, it turned out to be just a regular moisturizing cream, and I had to buy another one. For half a year, I bought medicine for my pet without a prescription, suddenly the ladies had a problem selling it without one and asked for a prescription. When I brought it, they demanded my passport (next time they'll probably ask for a bank statement and tax return). That was my last purchase there. These women don't know what they're doing.

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
Walter Retlaw

Sehr gepflegte Apotheke, sehr angenehmer Service und Verständigung auf Englisch problemlos. Gute Beratung und (gefühlt) angemessene Preise. Zugang barrierefrei, auch mit Kinderwagen oder Rollstuhl über eine Rampe unproblematisch.

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
Thomas Robinson

Very helpful staff. No need to worry about a language barrier if you speak little to no Spanish, all the staff are fluent English speakers. They gave me sound advice about products for mosquito bites and repellents. Great service.

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
Stefani Wigna

War an 2 verschiedenen Tagen da..beide Damen haben die Deutschen Wörter verstanden und konnten mir sehr gut weiterhelfen, beide Sprachen auch gutes deutsch sodass man sich super verständigen konnte...waren beide sehr freundlich und geduldig und sehr hilfsbereit und haben verschiedene Optionen zu Verfügung gestellt...kanns nur empfehlen..haben mir beide weitergeholfen

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
Mauricio R

Attentive staff. Besides Spanish, Catalan and English I heard while there at least 3 other languages. They oriented us on a medication for an ocular injury and suggested us to visit a doctor, which we did ( Public Center at Picafort) We came back same day with the prescription for 3 medicines. Luckily all in their stock. Understand some people complain about them charging “high” for some items ( none prescription medicines) . I guess they don’t realize this is a private business in a touristic area… when it comes to prescription medicines, all under Spanish regulatory mechanism. We paid €5 in total for 3 prescription medicines, which was more than reasonable and I guess even cheaper that would’ve been in our home country ( Germany)

Farmacia Torrens - Port d'Alcúdia, Balearic Islands
Mr. Rossi

Schöne Apotheke und das Gespräch war auf englisch möglich, deutsch sprach hier niemand. Der Mitarbeiter war nur so freundlich wie nötigt aber ok. Nur leider ist hier "cross selling" wichtiger als alles andere. Der MA hat mehrfach versucht diverse weitere Dinge zu verkaufen. Einmal Fragen ist ja ok aber nicht immer wieder etwas neues. Mit jeder Ablehnung wurde er dann auch unfreundlicher. Das nächste Mal gehen wir lieber in eine andere Apotheke.

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